Please Don’t Bite the Baby (and Please Don’t Chase the Dogs)

Pat Miller listed Please Don’t Bite the Baby and its website as two of her favorite resources to keep kids and dogs safe and happy together in her “Whole Dog Journal” article of March 2018, titled, “Kidding Around, Combining kids and dogs in your family can be magical and heartwarming, or cause a devastating tragedy…”


Pat Miller, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA of Peaceable Paws Dog and Puppy Training listed Please Don’t Bite the Baby and its website as two of her favorite resources to keep kids and dogs safe and happy together in her “Whole Dog Journal” article of March 2018, titled, “Kidding Around, Combining kids and dogs in your family can be magical and heartwarming, or cause a devastating tragedy…”

Edwards’s understanding of canine psychology will give new parents the confidence to maintain a canine-filled household, with strong pointers on avoiding mishaps and tragedy.”

—Publishers Weekly


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